We believe having a range of brushettes to choose from is essential to your dental health. Our brushettes have been developed in collaboration with leading dentists to best meet your brushing requirements. Each brushette has a complete description on our site to give you more information about how it works. Our team of dentists is also available to answer all your questions, and you can also seek advice from your dentist on what you need for a personalized brushing regime.
This is Gene typical pattern, he does not have any specific pathology:
2 x cleanette for everyday brushing + 1 x deliquette for nights + 1 x pearlette twice a week for whitening = 3 functions (4 brushettes)
He likes to change them about every week, so that will be 12 brushettes a month.
Alex pays $10/month for these 12 specific brushettes because he has a 6 months commitment.